Do you sell bulk tanks for oil, DEF, Chemical storage?
Yes, we sell bulk tanks up to 20,000 gallons. These tanks typically have a custom component to them, so give us a call. We’re happy to supply a quote.
Yes, we sell bulk tanks up to 20,000 gallons. These tanks typically have a custom component to them, so give us a call. We’re happy to supply a quote.
No. To receive the proper U/L Rating (U/L 142), Tanks need to withstand a fire test. Obviously, poly tanks melt when exposed to fire. Some manufacturers of stackable poly tanks claim to be U/L approved. This is a sham. They are not properly U/L approved, and if you plan to store Class IIIB flammable products […]
A qualified Yes. We always recommend a double wall tank for storing class IIIB flammable products (waste oil). However, in some municipalities, you can get away with a single wall. You will typically need some type of secondary containment with a single wall though-a dike, a basement, etc. It’s cheaper to just go double wall […]
A qualified No. Typically you don’t, but it is best to check with your local Fire Marshall or building inspector. The size of the tank also comes into play.